How PhotonIQ Works

Services that boost web performance, reduce origin traffic, and provide customized visitor treatment

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Lightning Fast Digital Journeys

PhotonIQ is powered by the Global Data Network: A hyper distributed cloud designed for ultra-low-latency application delivery.

The critical value of PhotonIQ (fuh-TAWN-ik) is providing AI-driven solutions to accelerate and optimize digital experiences, all while reducing complexity and costs.

PhotonIQ employs advanced optimization techniques like Prerendering, image compression, and edge caching to significantly improve site speed and responsiveness. Services like Fingerprint and Virtual Waiting Rooms allow for granular personalization and prioritization, even for anonymous users, by tracking them across sessions, and devices without cookies.

PhotonIQ's managed solutions can be used together as an end-to-end digital experience, or incorporated into your existing stack. PhotonIQ is compatible with all major CDNs and clouds, providing turnkey capabilities without additional operational overhead.

PhotonIQ helps the largest Internet sites, SaaS, and API services to deliver exceptional performance with low latency for better user  experience, and increased monetization for top internet operators and enterprises.

How It Works

PhotonIQ integrates directly with your site's origin infrastructure as a reverse proxy layer, sitting between CDNs and origin points. When visitors access your site, requests are routed through the nearest PoP for processing before reaching your origin servers.

This allows PhotonIQ to apply its suite of services like prerendering pages and optimizing assets on-the-fly without any changes to your infrastructure. Detailed analytics offer insights to maximize performance and personalization.

99.999% Uptime SLA Across Edge Network


35% Average Reduction in Traffic to Origins


83% Improvement in Time to First Byte


62% Fewer HTTP Requests to Origins


PhotonIQ Services List

Use the PhotonIQ suite as an end-to-end digital experience toolkit, or take a targeted approach with individual services.

Performance Proxy

Improves web performance and Core Web Vitals to lower bounce rates, drive user engagement, and increase revenue.

Learn more about P3

More to come

New services launching later in 2024.

PhotonIQ's Robust Feature Set

Everything You Need to Build, Accelerate, and Scale Digital Experiences

Blazing fast performance

Significantly improve site speed and responsiveness to create better user experiences, reduce cart abandonment, and drive revenue opportunities.


Enhanced personalization

Today's users expect personalization but the majority are anonymous. Bring personalization and customization to both known and anonymous users for frictionless visitor experiences.


Reduced infrastructure costs

By handling resource-intensive tasks at the edge, PhotonIQ reduces the burden on your origin infrastructure.


Simplified management

PhotonIQ removes the need to build and manage complex distributed systems yourself.


Reliability and scalability

Macrometa's Global Data Network provides built-in redundancy, failover, and unlimited horizontal scale for PhotonIQ's services to handle traffic spikes.


Actionable insights

Detailed metrics provide visibility into visitor behaviors, site performance, infrastructure utilization and more to inform optimization.


Quick implementation

Services are built by Macrometa architects for your exact specifications - get results in 30 days.


Need more info?

Talk to a solutions architect

Integration Methods

  • Traffic Redirection: Route traffic to the PhotonIQ network by updating DNS settings or proxy rules. No modifications to your application code.

  • Edge Side Includes: Activate services at the component level through simple tag inclusion.

  • Request Tagging: Enable PhotonIQ for specific requests by adding custom headers – perfect for testing or targeted use cases.

  • API Gateways: Route API traffic through PhotonIQ endpoints to apply optimizations, security, analytics and more on API requests and responses.
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